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Badminton Squash
Table Tennis Tennis
Vollyball Football

Contact us

TPLiVE (Tournament Planner LiVE)
Whatsapp: +91 8484 966 096
Email: tplive@tournamentplanner.in
Address: Pune - 411027
Maharashtra, India


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Player Registration through Your Platform


No Convenience fee

  • INR 2000/- for Event Setup Charges to be paid by the Organiser
  • GST(18%) would be applicable, so final cost would be INR 2360/-
  • Player Registration link will be redirected to Organiser's own registration platform
  • NO Any Additional Cost
  • NO Any Hidden Cost
Player Registration through TPLiVE


Convenience fee

  • INR 2000/- for Event Setup Charges to be paid by the Organiser
  • GST(18%) would be applicable, so final cost would be INR 2360/-
  • Player's has to pay additional 5% (on top of event ticket price) as Convenience fee
  • NO Any Additional Cost
  • NO Any Hidden Cost
  • Event Enrollment
  • Online Registration Form
  • Online Payment Option
  • Setup Draws for Knockout & League
  • Setup Match Schedule
  • Online Participant Reporting
  • LiVE Announcements
  • LiVE Participant Reporting Status
  • LiVE Match Running Status
  • LiVE Score Updates